Top 5 Legacy Gift Ideas for Father’s Day – My Fox 26 Houston segment

Hey Friends!!

I am so excited to share with you all my segment today with Fox 26 Houston. I was invited to do a Legacy Gift Special for Father’s Day and share some unique and quintessential gifts the network’s viewers on 14th June 2019 in Houston, Texas.

This is truly such a fantastic feature for me and my blog right before my blog’s Third year anniversary and I am so grateful to you all for all the support. It means a lot!

Unfortunately I hadn’t slept the entire night prior to this segment as my son is sick and is having a temperature which keeps coming back every few hours. And at 3:30 am in the morning it went over 102 and poor guy was shivering too much. He slept at 6 am and I caught a cat nap of 30 mins, since I had to be ready by 7:30 am and wanted to make sure I am able to hide my tired eyes with all the concealer 🙂

Thankfully my mom is here for few months and was able to take care of him when I had to leave at 8am and my husband too went late to his office.

To watch my segment CLICK on the image above

For the segment I wanted to make sure I share some timeless treasures for Father’s Day. Legacy gifts are increasing in popularity. And they truly are special and unique. Thanks to the amazing anchor Jose Grinan and Sally Macdonald for having me on their show.

Life Untold: This Father’s Day wouldn’t it be amazing if you could share dad’s life’s story including photos with your children and their children and future generations?  A Life Untold is a rare, story-telling company that makes it easy to turn anyone’s life story into a captivating and professionally designed hardcover book.  Think of it as a “do-it-yourself” autobiography where your dad answers over 100 detailed, thought-provoking questions.  Then A Life Untold captures those answers and turns them into a beautiful book for anyone to read.  Hard-copy or digital, these books will forever tell the history of your cherished father. This concept is meant not only for the person being talked about in the book (your dad,) but also for all who want to read it. Imagine all the great stories and experiences in dad’s lifetime put to paper and printed. This concept of encapsulating a person’s life story is not like anything else out there.  After all, it is not just a  gift  …. it’s a legacy left for generations to come.

Personalized pottery at The Mad Potter in Houston : Simply visit a pottery studio with the kids and paint a special gift for dad on a ceramic piece. I made the ceramic plate with Vir’s feet when he was under 6 months. His feet are so tiny here and this is one of the cutest pieces of art in our house. I am going to save this forever hopefully and maybe pass it on to my son’s wife.


DNA kit: Here is no one quite like Dad. After all, he is the story-book-reader, the scraped-knee-healer, and the piggy-back-ride hero of childhood. And even though no one is exactly like dad, there is someone who is at least partially like him: YOU. In addition to the piggy-back rides, your father also gave you half of his DNA.  This year how about thanking your dad (as you wouldn’t be you without him) by giving him generations of knowledge about his own family line?   Family Tree DNA is home to the world’s largest genealogical DNA database.  With the simple swab of a cheek….in 6 weeks’ time your dad can find out his unique ethnic origins, can locate  relatives dating back hundreds of years with 99.9% accuracy and so much more.  So this year how about giving dad a FamilyTreeDNA genealogy test for $69 which is a gift that will last a lifetime.  After all it’s not just a gift ……it is his legacy!!

The Articulate Gallery: Melt dad’s heart this year with hand print-art made from their infants, toddlers or small children’s hands or have a photo taken of dad with the kids and then display that art in the coolest line of frames ever! Articulate Galleryframes come fully equipped with awesome slot-sides that make it super easy to display 2D and 3D children’s artwork versus just putting stuff on the fridge! The frames allow for easy rotation of the art and provide easy access to switch out pics without ever having to remove the frame from the wall thanks to the slot sided function.  So whether it’s a picture of your little ones painted hand art or perhaps a photo of dad with the kids…. Articulate Gallery Frames make some of this year’s greatest dad gifts around.  Please see more detailed information below. I am excited to gift this to my husband so he can place it on his office cabin wall. You can buy them for just $26 on Amazon.

A Night Sky: I wasn’t able to share this amazing piece on the segment as unfortunately there was a shipping delay. But I can’t wait to see the package when it arrives. How about giving dad a framed picture of the Night Sky Star Map of the day he was born or the day he turned to be a dad!  After all, that was a day or night that changed the world.   The Night Sky makes an incredible, memorable gift with a star map of the night in history that you choose!  This framed artwork and memento will be treasured for years to come as it is a way to memorialize a special dad in dad’s life. With this service, it is simple to create an 18″ x 24″ star map of any night in history! Your unique and personalized star map is printed on high-quality, Art Matte paper with over 190g weight. Choose from 8 different styles at any place or time in the world to memorialize what is special to you or to the recipient.

I hope you like all of the above legacy gift ideas that are unique and a great alternative to the traditional Dad’s Day presents.




Arushi (2)

The snazzy mom

Cafes and Experiences, You Don’t Want to Miss in London!


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On my travels I always like to experience the café culture of a city. If you follow my Instagram stories you will know how much I love a good cup of Java and appreciate latte art. So on my recent work trip to London I made sure to go and experience the tea and cake shops of the city and I realized within a day whether you’re after caffeine, cake, or just a spot to plug in your laptop – London’s cafés and coffee shops are little havens

The British are known for their love of tea, scones and cake, so as the tea room capital of the world, and yes London lived up to some high expectations I had.  Alongside its grand, sophisticated afternoon tea establishments, the capital has a range of smaller, quainter and infinitely more charming tea rooms – perfect spots for sitting with a book and a homemade treat on a good bright day, or for indulging in a little luxury with a group of friends.

In this post I am sharing my top 4 Instagrammable cafes and cake shops in London I visited and an experience I missed but definitely recommend to all my readers in London or travelling anytime soon.



Peggy Porschen Cakes, Address: 116 Ebury St, Belgravia, London SW1W 9QQ
For those of you on Instagram, you’re 98% likely to have seen a picture of this Belgravia cake shop. It’s become the place to throw on the Gram, thanks to its pastel pink exterior, floral wreath and cutesy flowers lining the windowsill. In fact, if you didn’t know better, you’d probably just assume that this place was made especially FOR Instagram… Just look at it! Be prepared to wait for some time to sit at the café and enjoy some cake. There are long lines all day I believe, we had to wait for almost 25 minutes




With my bestie Richa !! 

Saint Aymes, 59 Connaught Village Hyde Park London, W2 2BB

My favorite cafe from the trip. Just order a unicorn latte or a cappuccino with 23 carat leaf and grab a seat by the flower wall! From the outside you know it’s going to be something special, as the window is framed by gorgeous wisteria, and once you step inside, the flower theme continues. It’s a girlie dream. But of course, it’s not just all show and no substance. Saint Aymes is a luxury chocolatier which is stocked in Selfridges and Harvey Nichols, and this cafe is their first venture out on their own. There’s all sorts of cute and perfectly presented sweet treats available, you should be aware, it is all sweet treats so just make sure you don’t come expecting a sandwich.


Biscuiteers Icing Cafes , Notting Hill Icing Cafe, 194 Kensington Park Road, W11 2E

I was in a rush when I visited Notting Hill and although it offers a lot of things to get excited about, but a cafe filled with delicious biscuits, cakes and chocolates caught my attention. This place has that Sunday-afternoon-London-in-winter kind of vibe. It’s cozy and intimate, in a beautiful setting surrounded by incredible biscuit masterpieces! Everything is provided for you, and at the end you’ll walk out with a tin of your own beautifully iced apres-ski biscuits to take home… SOLD!


Dominique Ansel Bakery, 17-21 Elizabeth Street, London, SW1W 9RP. 

Behold for the What-a-Melon Soft Serve, one of my favorite treats I had on this trip !! It’s a ripe slice of watermelon filled with watermelon flavored soft-serve ice cream and topped with miniature hand-cut chocolate ‘seeds’ to finish. Refreshing and cute me and my friend couldn’t wait to dig in. The bakery has something for everyone. From crust less cucumber sandwiches and dry Victoria sponges to cronuts and delicious savory items, this bakery had the best menu. You definitely want a table near the flower wall!




7ed1f03d-6cfa-4863-90d2-bb2818a1428eI was so disappointed I didn’t book the tickets in advance for this tour. This is a must do experience in London. Taking in the sights as your sip your brew on board an antique bus. Yep a unique experience! This 1960s double-decker (nab a seat on top if you can) passes by all the major attractions, including the London Eye, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. It’s a great way to multitask your tourist-ing. The bus is a fusion of London meets Paris! I was able to get a glimpse of the bus only as the tickets were sold out and I was travelling back home next day.

Special thanks to my sweet friends Richa and Jasbir who traveled with me to these gorgeous cafes and took me to all the fun spots, bars and Indian restaurants in the city!!

Arushi (2)






birthday ideas

Moms Give Yourself The Gift Of a Solo Getaway – Sharing My Experience From My Hiking Trip to Machu Picchu


In my recent post My Inca Trail Hike to Machu Picchu & Solo Trip to Cusco, Peru: An Adventure of a Lifetime I shared with you all my three minute movie , lots of pictures and so many other details of my amazing SOLO trip. (Check it out if you haven’t) This post focuses on what this journey meant and how it has affected me personally . Also I am sharing a list of benefits of jet setting alone and going on a getaway by yourself.

Travelling Solo was one of my top goals for the year and I knew that this year for my birthday I wished to do something different, something special, something truly just for myself. I wanted to rediscover the girl I was, before spouse, before a kid, before all the parenting responsibilities. So, a few months before my 33rd birthday I decided to challenge myself, both physically and mentally with a Solo Trip to Cusco, Peru.

I have had several opportunities to travel around the world with and without my family and friends. Travelling alone for work to a new country or state has been a part of my lifestyle and something I am familiar with since I was sixteen years old.

However, planning a getaway on my own to a country where I have never been before, hiking for two days with a group of complete strangers or for that matter living in a hostel and meeting people of all age groups from different parts of the world…… truly made this trip an Experience of a Lifetime! This journey has given me one of the most valuable collection of moments and experiences that has added depth and value to my life and who I am.

“Traveling Alone is Radical Form of Self Care”


On this solo trip not only did I get to discover the stunning landscapes of Machu Pichhu on my hike and enjoy the breathtaking architecture, lively artisan markets and the delicious local cuisine of the vibrant city of Cusco, I also got to spend time by myself — walking alone, eating alone, writing alone and sitting alone. And honestly, this was far from lonely. It was in fact restorative!

I can’t think of the last time I had been alone long enough to revel in my own thoughts without being interrupted by my child or the nagging to-do list that lives in the back of my mind. I could have conversations with people that didn’t revolve around my child or me being a mom. It was kind of strange and exhilarating. Radical Self-care is the assertion that you have the responsibility to take care of yourself first before attempting to take care of others.

There is endless list of benefits to jet setting alone and by sharing my experiences I hope to inspire others to try out a solo adventure too.

Makes you Independent and Empowered: One comes back with a new perspective. Solo travel represents independence, wanderlust and of course freedom. One gets to create their own When and How to do it list!

Self-Discovery: Through solo travel you get a chance to listen to your gut and control the direction you want to go to. You get to know you, be you and reflect upon yourself.

Self Confidence: Yes, solo travel is a brave endeavor. There is a lot of planning and preparations that one needs to go through, especially us moms. And as women we need to research more into topics like safety, cultural norms etc. By stepping out of your comfort zone and travelling anywhere new and unknown we learn to face various types of scenarios and gain much confidence.

Making new Friends and lifetime connections: One can always choose to be alone, but on a solo trip you get an opportunity to connect and make new friendships on your journey that could last a lifetime. Travel leads to exciting adventures and meaningful connections, it provides you an opportunity to meet like minded people in a new cultural setting devoid of digital distractions.

Your well-being gets healthier: Each one of us know spending time alone makes us release a lot of stressful toxins and travelling makes us happy. Research shows that travelling alone is such a healthy option as it makes you a happier person and cuts out your depression and stressful phases.


Being a Mom is hard work! By taking time to focus on myself, recharge and relax a little, I have returned home more mindful. I can’t think of travelling alone as “Selfish” now, as this trip has nurtured my body and nourished my mind while giving me chance to follow my dreams and do what I love – Explore! Also, I want my son to see me as a person with interests, rather than the person who does everything

Have you taken a solo trip? What was your experience? 


Arushi (2)


5 Fun Ways to Celebrate Holi at Home With Your Kids. Free Holi Banner Included

Among the many festivals we celebrate, HOLI has always been my favorite since childhood. This year I am so excited about being able to share my love for Holi with my son . Although he is very young to understand the culture and its essence in our lives, I cannot wait for him to sprinkle colored powder on me and enjoy the water balloons and water pistol battles with his friends and siblings in the years to come.

Simply defined HOLI is the celebration of the vibrancy of spring, fertility, love and the triumph of good over evil. The festival is usually celebrated in March and signals the coming of spring in India. It’s the start of new hopes and relationships, signified through the burst of colors everywhere. Holi is also about warmer weather, sweet delicacies and of course, special Holi crafts and activities for kids.

In this post I am sharing some fun ideas to enjoy the festival of colors with some easy to do colorful play for toddlers. Also, I made this


Pre and  Post Holi picture memories. 

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I got the print out from Office depot on four A4 sheets. You can get them laminated so that they are sturdy and can be reused later. Note you will have to cut them into circles and can use tape to attach them to a thread. I used white wool.


Last year during Holi, our son was only 7 months old. We celebrated the festival with him with these simple and safe DIY water colors in our bath tub. It’s a great activity for babies and note the paints are edible too.

Click here for the post and make your own paints


We also played Holi outside with some rose petals. Our son  wasn’t interested earlier but later tried to throw the rose petals and joined in the fun. Playing with rose petals will also make great photo opportunities with your baby. Try it out and let me know.


rainbow soap

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Rainbow Foam bubbles is a great sensory activity for kids to play and learn colors and celebrate Holi in a fun and easy way.  Note this will be good for older kids as younger kids might eat the foam and the soap could also get in their eyes.

Click here for the post and learn to make the colored foam bubbles.



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Rainbow toasts is a must try! You can remove the sprinkles and just get your little one to eat his/her toast when they are fussy. It is also a great kids party snack idea and healthier than cake, cookies or donuts. The frosting is actually cream cheese and not frosting!

Click here for full recipe.



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A modern and colorful take on traditional malai kulfi. This frozen desert is a staple on Indian festivals and this twist of sprinkles will add some more fun to your Holi celebrations ! Also a great way to involve older kids in the festivities of making fun, delicious and colorful dessert while making memories. Check out this latest blog post on making this delicious desert . Sprinkle some colors on my Kulfi !!

I wish you a fun filled HOLI with your friends and family and these ideas can add to the celebration !!


Arushi (2)


My Top 2018 GOALS – Finding the Right Balance


December is coming to an end and holiday festivities are winding down and pretty soon we’ll have a fresh start for “resolutions” or “promises” for 2018. Honestly I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, as in the past I have typically bitten off more than I could chew, which led to disappointment. Have you been there before? I certainly have.

I started to work on making goals few years back that are realistic and logical. I try to work on goals that can be accomplished in a calendar year. As goals force you to look at the big picture and work towards something, instead of just working. I want my goals to be doable and also enjoyable and eventually become second-nature. They should contribute towards a happier life and a healthier body and brain. I followed below simple steps to work on them-

How to make Goal?

Start with some categories like Personal, Health, Family, Financial etc and focus on just a few.

Classify the Goals

Big Goals (Mostly Yearly Goals) , Smaller Goals ( Quarterly Goals) and Tasks (Monthly Goals). In my opinion, the best actionable way to meet goals is to have a mix of the three and then break each down into clear achievable monthly objectives. Remember the saying -“How do you eat an elephant ? One bite at a time”.


We need to set priorities and reminders for our goals. A good way is to maintain a Planner, or simply set reminders on your phone and email calendar that sends you alerts weekly or monthly. I also like to put notes on my refrigerator on a white board or sticky notes.

So before the start of 2018 I took out sometime from my schedule to set my 2018 goals that will help me find a better balance.

  • Find more ME Time – Honestly I have been stretched too thin and have overextended myself this year with my full time job, running behind my toddler, managing my home and all my official and personal travels. So this year I am going to take out more time for myself. Personal space is very important for my sanity and I am going to start by organizing my home, binge watching my favorite shows in my bed and going on a SOLO trip this year (I need to plan this out and it will definitely be somewhere close to nature! )
  • Mixing up my workouts- This year I have focused only on running to maintain a healthy lifestyle and I definitely need to switch it up and start going to the gym. Running has been convenient because my son also joins me in the stroller and I don’t have to worry about leaving him for my workouts right after I finish work. However, this year my goal is to workout at least 4 times a week in the morning instead of evening.
  • Plan a Special Activity every weekend with my kid- Being a busy working mom I end up being away from my kid for a solid chunk of the day while he is in daycare. So my goal is to make sure that every week or weekend we do fun activities together like going out to a Library, children’s museum, the zoo, botanical gardens, open gym etc. I will be making a list of all age appropriate events happening in our city and plan to attend them too.
  • Set Long Term and Short Term financial goals –It’s important to look household finances squarely in the eye, because that’s the only way to control them. It is very important I sit down with my husband and set a family budget. By watching our income and expenses, we can better plan for our vacations, activities, big purchases and plan for future. As distasteful as the task is, it really is important to map out our expenses and purchases so we can see just where our money is going.
  • Learn to cook 1 new healthy recipe weekly – This is definitely something I can accomplish in a calendar year. I am hoping to find new recipes I love, and that I can incorporate into our weekly menu. I want my son to enjoy different types of meals and get introduced to new flavors too. Definitely will be bookmarking many healthy recipes on Pinterest . While my life may be busy, I have found that making the time to learn something new – and eat at least one good meal a week – is always worthwhile.
  • Concentrate on my Relationships– As moms we tend to put our energy into kids and that doesn’t leave much time for anyone else. I want to make sure I am planning Girl’s Night with my gal pals once a month. Find a good babysitter so that I can plan date nights with my husband. Nurture my relationship with distant family members by calling them more regularly. Making these relationships a priority is good for the soul.

I will be giving you updates on my progress on my workout goals, the new recipes I am trying, plus more as the year progresses!

What are YOUR goals for 2018? I’d love to hear! Let me know in the comments!

Arushi (2)

My Body Reality 9 Months Post Pregnancy! 


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I love to jog especially when Vir can accompany me in the jogger!


Am I where I was before baby? In some ways yes, in other ways not at all.

If you read my previous post on my post baby weight loss journey, you know I had lost 30 pounds out of the 43 pounds I gained within the first 3 months. To continue with my progress I had set 2 goals for the next 6 months.

1) To get rid of those 13 pounds 2) To gain my fitness and endurance levels back. I believe that 9 months is a fair enough time frame to work on my postpartum body and fitness and that is exactly the time I wanted to bounce back in shape.

To accomplish these 2 goals I started with running because not only was it a great way to get out of home daily and get some fresh air but also because I had set myself up for a CHALLENGE.

The challenge was to participate in a 10k run, 4 months after my delivery! I wasn’t sure if I could complete it, but I was definitely preparing myself to do my best. On 16th Sept 2016, 4 month post my pregnancy, I ran and finished my first 10k race in 1 hour and 19 minutes. Completing this challenge I set for myself gave me a lot of confidence and appreciation towards my body.

Post race, I figured out I was ready to take my endurance levels up a notch. So I started doing more strength training routines for some muscle definition and toning. Daily cardio sessions felt great but when it came to strength training at the gym, I wasn’t feeling so good or enjoying it. After a month I stepped back and returned back to jogging.

I started to fit in my regular jeans after 6 months post partum. I was so glad to ditch those maternity jeans! Although, I still have a few inches to loose on my thighs. Losing weight on the lower half of my body has been a constant struggle since I was a teenager and it continues to this day. (I often blame it on my genes J )

My stomach was smushy after giving birth and still is. I have ways to go to get my lower stomach back in shape, and that’s OK. Despite using stretch oils and cream rigorously I still have stretch marks.  They have faded but will probably be there, and I am proud to have them as I was blessed to carry and deliver a healthy baby.

So far I have lost a total of 39 pounds in 9 months. Still 4 pounds shy from my pre pregnancy weight. Honestly, I have stopped looking at the scale now. I am trying to maintain my weight while exercising and enjoying my treats on regular basis. I can’t diet and restrict myself of certain food groups as I don’t want to live like that. I like food (and chocolate) too much.

As far as my boobs are concerned, they are not normal yet. They are neither perky nor saggy, just somewhere in between. I am still breast feeding in morning and nights so I think I will have to wait out on this.

img_2719Once Vir turned 6 months, maintaining a workout schedule has become a struggle. Between caring for Vir, work demands, home chores, and all the rest there is precious little time life for me to sweat and so workouts are the first to be scratched off the To Do list. Honestly few months back I was struggling to even keep up to my 4 days of staying active. It is hard now to find dedicated alone time as a parent, and I have learned it isn’t always possible to find some.

Yet in January I enrolled myself in Kayla Fitness. The SWEAT app has short 28 minutes of Resistance sets that I do from home as per my convenience. I plan to stick with my 2017 goals of staying active daily and not losing steam. If I don’t find the time or energy to workout, I make sure to walk my dog “Rio” an extra mile.  You can catch me on Instagram with my daily updates.

At the end I just want to say we are all aware that our life will never be the same once we have a baby, yet we expect our bodies to be. I could have never imagined that our bodies can do amazing things like – never failing to wake up for the fourth time in the night to feed a hungry baby or to hold an 18 pound baby for a ridiculously long periods of time or to even function the entire day with just an hour of sleep. There are truths of post baby body that I am trying to accept and realistically I still struggle over accepting the body I am in. But I won’t waste my time feeling bad about it. I plan to work towards what I can accomplish with it while not giving up on chocolate!

Watching Vir grow up and experiencing Motherhood is the most beautiful part of my life now. My smushy stomach and stretch marks are just reminders of what I endured for my son to be here.



My 2017 Goals, Keeping it Real

It’s the dawn of a New Year and as always a few resolutions are to be made. Honestly, most of these resolutions don’t stick for a long time, and I end up breaking them by mid of the year or even as early as 2 weeks. So, I am tired of these resolutions and won’t bother making them this year.  Instead I have set up realistic specific goals for myself and look forward to achieving them.

A goal is more flexible and achievable for me. I don’t have to be ‘resolute’ in my journey to achieve it. As I got to the end of the year, I looked back and assessed how it went. I tried to categorize the year into eating habits, fitness regime, health, family, baby, finances etc and drew from there my top goals for 2017.

I strongly feel if we do not take the time to think about our hopes and dreams and set goals and actions steps to get there – nothing will ever change. By working on each aspects of our lives that are important or we are frustrated with, we can feel better about ourselves.  In my previous post I stressed upon the taking out Me- Time, and that is more of a lifestyle change I am already working on.

But setting goals is important for us because doing so helps us change things in our lives that are not as we would like them to be.  Defining goals that pertain to both ourselves and our relationships with those who are important to us can result in changes that make our lives happier and more fulfilling.  Isn’t that what you want for 2017 and moving forward?

Below are my TOP 2017 Goals . Please do share yours.

Happy New Year Everyone !

Love Arushi


“ME” Time – Every Mom Deserves It !

This year, my life has been wrapped around my pregnancy in the first half and with the newborn for the latter half. As a new mom, I don’t have time or energy to think about anything that does not directly impact my child’s life. I am constantly ensuring that everything runs smoothly and I am able to maintain a proper work -life balance.

If you are a busy mom like me, you know how difficult it can be to find time for yourself. We are constantly ensuring that everyone is taken care of and are left with very little time for ourselves. Feeling burned out, exhausted, and also craving things that YOU love to do most.

I honestly feel we MOMs need to pencil in some “ME” Time for ourselves. And I stress that one should not feel guilty for taking time for yourself. It’s important to schedule time for yourself on a regular basis so that you can feel refreshed and energized to be on top of our game.

The key here is to tap into things that make you feel most rejuvenated, and  yes few might need more time or may cost more. {I say to myself I deserve it 🙂 }

“Me” Time could be anything, from a decadent dinner date, to a relaxing evening at home with a good book or simply doing nothing. The biggest challenge most moms face is insisting on ‘me’ time,” says Laura Stack, author of The Exhaustion Cure. “If you wait to give yourself time until all your work is done, you’ll never get to play.”

That is why I am listing my some things that I do just for me

  1. Stay Active: These days for me it is impossible to finish work and go out for a workout. Timing everything between mine and baby’s schedule well enough to get some sun is not simple anymore. So I recommend staying active at work or home by taking regular walks throughout the day especially if there is too much stress. If I can’t walk enough in the day or have no energy to workout, I make sure to get out for at least a 30 min stroll around the neighborhood with Vir in the stroller while listening to some peppy music. It helps clear the mind.


  1. Take a Bubble Bath: This is truly a relaxing and rejuvenating experience if you can take out some time from mom duty. I recommend treating yourself with some aroma therapy oils, bath bombs and candles. I have been shopping for more of these lately than makeup or beauty products.


  1. Get your favorite drink and read up: The best time to lounge and snuggle in a comfy blanket is when your children are sleeping. I can have coffee anytime of the day and with the chill in the weather these days I am also sipping on some soup. If you know me well I don’t read too many books, but I do love flipping through articles on magazines and journals on my ipad or just happily pinning. Ever since I started the blog I am also writing down my thoughts and working on new posts for all my readers.


  1. Go out with your friends: A girl’s night out or grabbing a drink at a pub with your family friends can be a great way to start a weekend. You can get a sitter for sometime if you are going with your husband or put him on daddy duty for the evening- while you dress up snazzy, put some heels and mascara!! It is very important to socialize and feel good about these moments.


  1. Don’t forget a Spa/massage day : I got a monthly massage membership at a local spa and this has been by far my most rewarding expense. An hour of deep tissue massage can do wonders as it takes away your stress and gives relief to those aching back and neck muscles.


Don’t forget to check in yourself this Holiday season !! Lets Treat Ourselves too.

Please do share what are your favorite ways to pamper yourself , or how you like to spend your “Me” Time. 

Holiday Baby Gifts Made Easy {$50 GIVEAWAY by IncrediBundles}


November is almost ending, Thanksgiving is here already and that means there isn’t much time left for the holiday shopping! The holiday season brings in so much hope and love in our lives. It is such an important time of the year to connect with our loved ones. At the same time it can be a bit stressful especially for the last minute gift shoppers like me!!

Additionally baby showers and birthday parties are a common affair these days. I am always excited to help out my friends with ideas for party themes,planning or even hosting one. However don’t you think when it comes to gifting we all stick to the basics on the registry or go for the most convenient option – Gift cards?

To help you all out with your gifting experience for  the holidays / baby showers/ birthday party gifts, I wanted to share with you a versatile and innovative personalized gift service-  It is a one stop shop or home to extraordinary baby gifts, featuring a line of foolproof baby stuff that allow gift-givers to give the nursery essentials that every new parent wants and needs.


So before I recommend it to you all I tried it for myself by ordering a custom bundle and selecting the toys and books I wanted for baby Vir. What I  liked about their service was it takes the best award-winning products for babies and bundles them together in a reusable storage container, making the gift innovative, practical and chic !!

Below are the products I got for Vir, I needed some Learn, Play and Explore items that Vir can use over a period of time. These  bundles are brimming with the safest, highest quality toys and books for babies. Vir’s box came with a book and 3 toys-  The Fluffy Chick Cloth Book, Hape Clown Stacker, Skip Hop Bandana Buddies Activity Lion and Melissa and Doug Deluxe Pounding Bench

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I am listing out some of my favorite bundles you can choose from –  learn and grow bundle , book bundles featuring award winning books, diaper bundle, sleep bundle, organic bundles, bath bundles .

I would definitely recommend this service to anyone in need of a baby/child gift!!! I love the ease of checking out! It took me maybe 5 minutes to add everything to my cart and then submit my order! This service saves you time and gas!

I’ve teamed up with them for a $50 GIFT CARD G I V E A WA Y  on INSTAGRAM

 It is very easy to enter.


1. You must be following both myself (@the_snazzy_mom) AND @incredibundles_babygifts

2. Tag 2 or more people on the GIVEAWAY PIC ONLY . Click here for the Pic (Every name entry is a separate entry so more chances to win)

3. Mention All Steps Done

*For Extra Entries*
• Like my  FB  page TheSnazzyMom and let me know what will you get with get with the gift card !

Giveaway will run from 11/20/2016  to 11/27/2016  , and a winner will be announced on 11/30/2016.

Good Luck!

***This Post was sponsored by IncrediBundles, as always views and opinions are mine***


When I had to leave my 5 month baby for a Business trip. 

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The Snuggle is Real 

My head was hurting, my heart was racing. I felt I couldn’t breathe and all of this was happening exactly at the same time while I was waving goodbye to Vir from the window of my cab. Leaving the baby for the first time is not easy and even though I spent a ridiculous amount of time snuggling him and kissing him beforehand, the moment of panic at the door was not going away. I still can’t tell whether at that moment I was feeling guilty of leaving him for 2 days or if I was terrified of the thought of how will he survive without me. It was one of the weirdest moments of my life and is very hard to describe in words. It felt like I was carrying an extra bag that day – A bag of Guilt.

Inside this extra baggage was the guilt of leaving Vir at home while I traveled, guilt of not rocking him to sleep those 2 nights, guilt of leaving my husband on his own to manage an infant and taking leave from work. From the moment I sat in the cab till I reached the airport, I was stuck to my phone the entire 40 minute drive, watching Vir play with his Nanny while I kept taking heavy breaths with moist eyes.

Honestly I am so blessed to be a full time work from home mom. I can see my child whenever I want, have the flexibility to manage my work and calls, apart from adding income to the household and doing what I love most. Having a house with an office space I am able to get so much done effectively on a daily basis. And with the help of my nanny I don’t have to worry about Vir either. It’s the best scenario I could have asked for. However being a Sr. Account Manager and handling a huge pool of clients across the country, travel in my job role is inevitable. Honestly, I have always looked forward to my work trips as I not only get to reconnect with my colleagues but also get a break from my routine.

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Likely, most of you are not gasping in horror at the thought of leaving a 5 month baby with his daddy, while mom goes on a business trip. Business travel is fact of life for few moms far sooner than 5 months and many 5 month old babies are not exclusively breast fed. But this is a very big deal for me, as I never left Vir for more than few hours a handful of times until this unexpected work related travel. The very thought of getting on an airplane without Vir had been giving me heart palpitations. I was having anxiety of what might happen when I would be away. Will he be all right , will Deep be able to manage the baby, what if Vir doesn’t take the bottle , what if I miss my return flight, what if things falls apart…..I was losing my sleep. The angst of leaving a kid behind is natural and biological; it is out of concern for our children or even out of the fear of leaving our comfort zone as a new mom. The fact that we control our household makes leaving the responsibility on someone else more difficult.

But having a supportive and understanding husband and a loving and hands on dad can make a mom’s life more manageable. I am so blessed to have a husband like Deep. He is a great dad and I knew in case of any urgency I can count on him to manage Vir. This trip was a huge learning experience for me and Deep on dealing with our fears and anxiety as first time parents. While Deep is now more confident in handling Vir, I am more comfortable in leaving the responsibility on daddy at unplanned situations.

But then there are other situations out of our control, like my nanny was not able to make it the next day while I was out and the ordeal on the date I was flying back….

After a very productive meeting, I was looking forward to getting home from LA and snuggle with my baby. To avoid the crazy LA traffic I reached the airport early only to learn that my flight was delayed by an hour. I immediately rushed to the airlines counter to see if I could reschedule my flight to an earlier time, and I was lucky to get one. But, that luck was short-lived; I was put in another frustrating situation where my rescheduled flight was delayed by 4 hours due to maintenance!! Wow !! That is exactly what I needed on my first trip away from Vir. (Screaming in my brain) It almost felt like my nightmare was coming true. But honestly, there was no point getting mad at that time…  Rather, I actually felt blessed, as the flight I was supposed to initially take got cancelled!

After speaking to Deep and knowing that all was good at home, I finally found the time to get something to eat and make most of the delay with a pumping session.  (If you follow me on instagram , you must have been pretty amused with the instastories I made that day.)I pumped at the ladies room standing for an hour splitting the pumping session on each side while watching Vir and Deep play on the camera, as the nursing room at the airport was occupied. While pumping I was able to speak with Deep through the house camera mic function, it gave me so much relief and I almost felt I was with them. Apart from that, I was glad to take the express milk home, unlike the last few pumping sessions where I had to pump and dump. (I hate throwing away breast milk, it makes me feel terrible)

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After an exhausting 10 hour wait time from LA to Houston between flight delays, traffic and flying time, I was finally home at 11 pm holding Vir tightly in my arms, with a heart full of joy and a needy dog liking my face and asking for equal attention.

Even though we might be connected with rapid transit and wireless technology, the emotional distance while traveling is challenging. I wish I could handle everything at once, but motherhood has taught me the unfortunate rule of being a human: I can’t. We have to make hard choices and cope up with the real world. And as a working mom I have to act like one and deal with my lifestyle changes while coming up with strategies that work for my family.

Yes ! The Struggle is Real !!

…In  my next post I will be sharing with you how I prepared to leave my baby overnight for work  and what I discovered about being a mom when I was off the clock.

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VIR’s First Diwali !

In my last post I wrote about how much I missed celebrating Diwali at home in India. And this year I long for it even more as its a very special one, since we have our beloved son Vir celebrating it with us .

The entire week I was face timing with my mom and brother and hearing their daily activity updates, shopping sprees, reminiscing old days and getting to share the real Gharwali Diwali experience with them. My mom got Vir a really cute ethnic outfit which she will be sending with my cousin sister and even though its is arriving post Diwali, I am super excited to dress him up in it. There is a charm in wearing vibrant desi/ Indian clothes, they make the festival so much more authentic.

Vir is 5 months old this month and loves being around people, he enjoys getting all the attention and lately has been putting his entire fist in the mouth and babbling. He has also started to flip over on his tummy and is in awe of Rio. Rio too has also started warming up to Vir and its a great feeling to see both my boys finally  show some love towards each other.

I am glad to share with you all, Vir’s first Diwali story  at our home in Houston  with these pictures.We celebrated it with our loving friends with great home cooked food,  Coconut ladoos ,Rasgullas,music, lots of cheer , laughter and a long game of Flush. I hope you enjoy looking at them .

(If you follow me on Instagram , you must have seen some of our celebration pictures and videos on my Instastories too)

Thanks to our friend Abhishek for these lovely clicks.

My Anarkali dress : Meena Bazaar

Vir’s Cardi Set from : Amy Collier Designs



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Home made coconut ladoos


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Our wonderful friends !!


Diwali cannot end without some sparkles.

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The focus of this pic was on our fur baby Rio who was waiting to eat mom’s coconut ladoos.